Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Remember My Name

This is a short piece that is the result of a writing prompt.

 Remember My Name

 Remember my name. When the darkness descends and your solitude becomes
 bitter,  look back, remember. The first time you saw me, how nervous you made
 me when you  said hello. Those sweet summer days we spent together, the winter 
evenings when you would come over to have dinner with my family. Do you 
remember that first Christmas? You helped decorate the tree and then tried to 
sneak some sweets out of the kitchen, while my mother and sisters were baking. 
The evening we spent under my father's watchful eye.
 Remember, and let the memories warm and comfort you. Remember how long it
 took for you to actually call me by my name, and don't forget, don't let it be
 snatched away from you. No matter where you go, remember my name.

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